LetMeAtIt Video Downloader

Simple download usage

LetMeAtIt allows you to download VOD content at the touch of a button. Well, it's more like three the first time, but who's counting?

It couldn't be easier, all you have to do is:

  1. Copy the video page URL
  2. Add the file name to the bottom box
  3. Click Add Job!

And that's it, you can then get on with doing something else while LetMeAtIt downloads the video.

Start For Free

You can start downloading videos to your archives right now completely free with no limits. The saved videos can be played on almost any media player without any accounts or subscriptions getting in the way.

When you're ready, you can unlock the time saving upgrade features from as little as £2.99/US$4 and download 100's of videos in just 2 clicks.

Supported Sites

LetMeAtit supports downloading video content from many sites as well as being a resumable download manager for normal downloads

Click on a site below to show more info

Grab grappling content from the WWE, WCW & more

Save Summerslam! Record the Royal Rumble! Peruse Prime Time Wrestling without an Internet connection

Free Version

Simple download usage

Requires network.wwe.com subscription and a VPN if you're in a 'WWE on Netflix' country. See Blocked Countries section below for an alternative that requires neither

The free WWE Network plugin only supports URLs of single videos. These are URLs like https://network.wwe.com/video/495654/money-in-the-bank-2023

No protection against any rate limiting.

Video metadata, thumbnails and subtitles will be embedded/downloaded if those options are set.

Blocked/Netflix Countries

People in 'WWE on Netflix' countries require the WWE Network Unblocker upgrade to be able to download from network.wwe.com

As well as the features below, this upgrade provides a workaround to download Network links and a browser app so you can get those links without being geoblocked.

No Netflix subscription and nothing else WWE is required.

WWE Network Unblocker usage

Upgrade Features

Wherever you are, the WWE Network Upgrade is a Stone Cold Excellence of Execution that lets you:

  • Add jobs for every video in a series, year, section or playlist in one click
  • Download only specific matches/segments
  • Cut your own parts out of videos. Promos, matches, Shane falling off of things, anything - no editing or re-encoding required
  • Pick video quality once, globally, instead of manually for each job
  • Detect duplicate videos. If a section is updated, just add it again to get only the new videos

So I Don't Need a Subscription?

In direct access countries (France, Italy, Switzerland, Germany and South Korea) a WWE Network account is required for all downloads. Any videos that require a subscription to watch require one to download. In blocked 'Netflix' countries, only the Unblocker upgrade is required.

Platform Support

Videos will download on all platforms. Thumbnails will only download on Mono and Windows 10 and above, due to WWE server security

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TNA logo

Got a Hard To Kill habit for Impactful Wrestling?

Team up with LetMeAtIt to take on the might of TNA+. Bind glory to your laptop! Go crazy in the Asylum on your tablet! Lockdown your TV to brace for the Xplosions!

Free Version

Simple download usage

The free Impact plugin only supports URLs of single videos. These are URLs like https://watch.tnawrestling.com/video/566846

No protection against any rate limiting.

Video metadata will be embedded and thumbnails will be downloaded if those options are set.

Upgrade Features

Inflicting maximum Impact onto LetMeAtIt enables these features:

  • All videos in sections, playlists and seasons can be added in one job
  • Download only single matches or cut promos or your own highlights out of videos. No video editing software required
  • Pick video quality once, globally, instead of manually for each job
  • No time wasted downloading the same things twice. If a section is updated, just add it again to get only the new videos

So I Don't Need a Subscription?

All TNA+ downloads require a watch.tnawrestling.com subscription to download. The free version of the plugin requires the main LetMeAtIt upgrade.

Platform Support

Videos will download on all platforms. Thumbnails will only download on Mono and Windows 10 and above, due to TNA server security

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Fite The Power

Whether it's AEW, Top Rank, or BKFC, LetMeAtIt gets you all Triller, no filler

Free Version

Simple download usage

The free Fite plugin only supports URLs of single videos. These are URLs like https://www.trillertv.com/watch/in-this-corner-s3-ep-8/2pcrr/

No protection against any rate limiting.

Video metadata will be embedded and thumbnails will be downloaded if those options are set.

Upgrade Features

Uncaging the fite-r within LetMeAtIt enables these features:

  • Download all videos on channel & fighter pages, collections and more in one job
  • Cut or trim matches, promos or your own highlights out of videos. No editing or re-encoding required
  • Video quality selected automatically, instead of manually for each job
  • Duplicate downloads are detected. No time is wasted downloading the same things twice

So I Don't Need a Subscription?

All TrillerTV videos require an account to download. Videos that require a subscription or purchase to watch will require a subscription or purchase to download.

Platform Support

Due to the strength of the HTTPS security on Fite TV servers, on Windows computers, downloading is only supported on Windows 10 and above

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UFC logo

The Ultimate Champ is Here And He Wants To Fight

Tired of the squared circle? Join the finest fighters in the octagon for triangle chokes galore

Free Version

Simple download usage

The free version of the UFC plugin only supports URLs of single videos. These are URLs like https://ufcfightpass.com/video/44637

Thumbnails an subtitles will be downloaded and video metadata embedded if those options are set.

No protection against any rate limiting.

Upgrade Features

Submit to LetMeAtIt's UFC upgrade by tapping in to these features

  • URLs of whole playlists, series and sections can be added to add jobs for all videos within them in one click
  • Only want a single match or interview? Cut out your own parts and download just the bits of the video needed
  • Automatic video quality selection
  • Duplicate download detection. If a playlist is updated, download it again to get only the new videos

So I Don't Need a Subscription?

LetMeAtIt does not allow you to hack UFC's servers or otherwise gain access to content you're not allowed to. A UFC Fightpass account and subscription is required for all downloads.

Platform Support

Videos will download on all platforms. Thumbnails will only download on Mono and Windows 10 and above, due to UFC server security

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NJPWWorld logo

Kora-kuench Your Puro Thirst

The greatest of Japanese wrestling comes direct to your living room, the bus or your archive. Where ever you like courtesy of LetMeAtIt.

Free Version

Simple download usage

The free version of the NJPW plugin only supports URLs of single videos. These are URLs like https://watch.njpwworld.com/player/39963/series

Video metadata will be embedded and thumbnails will be downloaded if those options are set

No rate-limit protection

Upgrade Features

  • URLs of playlists and other multi-video pages can be added to add jobs for all videos within in one click
  • Make custom match or segment highlights. If you only want 2 minutes of a full show, you can download just that with a custom timespan
  • Avoidance of rate limiting lockouts
  • Detection of duplicate videos. If a playlist or collection is updated, just add it again to get only the new videos

So I Don't Need a Subscription?

LetMeAtIt does not hack NJPW's servers or otherwise give you access to content you're not allowed to. A NJPWWorld account is required for all downloads.

The free version of the plugin requires the main LetMeAtIt upgrade.

Platform Support

Works everywhere LetMeAtIt does. Thumbnails only available on Windows 10 and higher

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Nippon's niftiest knucklebangers are now yours

AJPW - the greatest of Japanese wrestling comes direct to your living room, the bus or your archive. Where ever you like, use LetMeAtIt to Kora-kuench your Puro thirst

Free Version

Simple download usage

The free version of the AJPW plugin only supports URLs of single videos. These are URLs like https://www.ajpw.tv/lives/577c1c12-9596-4e45-9b0c-13ac1592ecf3 and https://www.ajpw.tv/videos/e850ce78-03b7-43c7-8236-7f4f8454f793

Video metadata will be embedded and thumbnails will be downloaded if those options are set

No rate-limit protection

Upgrade Features

  • Embedded metadata translated from Japanese to various other languages*
  • URLs of search results and playlists can be added to add jobs for all videos within in one click
  • Make custom match or segment highlights. If you only want 2 minutes of a full show, you can download just that with a custom timespan
  • Avoidance of AJPW's tight rate limiting lockouts
  • Detection of duplicate videos. If a search or collection is updated, just add it again to get only the new videos

So I Don't Need a Subscription?

LetMeAtIt does not hack AJPW's servers or otherwise give you access to content you're not allowed to. Videos that need a subscription to watch require a subscription to download. An AJPW.tv account is required for all downloads.

Platform Support

Everywhere LetMeAtIt is supported

* Translation services are provided by Microsoft and Amazon so results may differ from text shown by AJPW's built-in Google translator

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ROH logo

For dignity, for integrity, for Honor!

Relive the cacophany of cheers for CM Punk, brave all The Briscoes' bruises, or mainline the mastery or Nigel McGuinness - I mean, someone has to like him, right?

Free Version

Simple download usage

The free version of the ROH plugin only supports URLs of single videos. These are URLs like https://www.watchroh.com/details/26586*

Thumbnails an subtitles will be downloaded and video metadata embedded if those options are set.

No protection against any rate limiting.

* - These types of urls can also refer to whole sections, those are not supported

Upgrade Features

WatchROH's upgrade of LetMeAtIt is slamming and jamming with nifty features

  • URLs of whole playlists, collections and event sections can be added to add jobs for all videos within them in one click
  • Cut out your own matches, skits, interviews or other highlights. You can download just the bits of a video you want
  • Automatic video quality selection
  • Duplicate download detection. If a collection is updated, adding it again will get only the new videos

So I Don't Need a Subscription?

LetMeAtIt does not allow you to hack ROH's servers or otherwise gain access to content you're not allowed to. Videos that need a subscription to watch require a subscription to download. A WatchROH account is required for all downloads.

Platform Support

Works everywhere LetMeAtIt does

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Stardom logo

The Purest of Joshi Puroresu

Get started in the wonder world of Japanese female professional wrestling. Get on the road to Stardom.

Free Version

Simple download usage

The free version of the Stardom plugin only supports URLs of single videos. These are URLs like https://www.stardom-world.com/set/4623/contents/4619

Video metadata will be embedded and thumbnails and subtitles will be downloaded if those options are set.

No protection against any rate limiting.

Upgrade Features

The upgrade is like the Prince Charming to Stardom's Cinderella tournaments

  • The URLs of whole event sets, sections and search results are accepted. Jobs for all items in the set can be added in one click
  • Cut or trim your own segments out of the videos. If you only want one minute of a three hour video, you can download just that one minute. No video editing required
  • The video quality selection can be automated
  • Copy detection. Multiple copies of the same thing won't be downloaded by default (user selectable)

So I Don't Need a Subscription?

LetMeAtIt does not allow you to hack Stardom's servers or otherwise gain access to content you're not allowed to. Videos that need a subscription to watch require a subscription to download. A Stardom account is required for all downloads.

Platform Support

Requires Windows 10 or above or Mono to download due to Stardom's server security

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Youtube-DL(P) is the gateway to hundreds of sites. LetMeAtIt provides a simpler way to collect videos from Youtube, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Reddit and lots more

The Youtube-DL(P) plugin is not available in the free version of LetMeAtIt. To use it, the upgrade is required

Simple download usage

Upgrade Features

  • Video metadata will be embedded and thumbnails and subtitles will be downloaded if those options are set*
  • Wide ranging support for on-demand and live streams from both free and premium sites*
  • Automatic video quality selection
  • Duplicate download detection. If a video has been previously downloaded, it will not be downloaded again
  • Automatic app updates (Windows only)

* Youtube-DL(P) does not support all features for every site

What Sites Are Supported?

There are far too many sites to list here. Youtube-dlp currently lists over 1,000 sites or site features that are supported for download. LetMeAtIt supports every URL format Youtube-DL(P) supports

Please Note Youtube-DL and Youtube-DLP are third party apps that are not produced or maintained by Airesoft. Airesoft is not responsible for nor guarantees that all 1,000 sites and features listed above will always be and remain supported


On Windows, LetMeAtIt comes with everything you need to use Youtube-DL downloading and will update it automatically

On Linux, Youtube-DL and/or Youtube-DLP can be installed via your package manager. Alternatively, you can export a YTDL and/or a YTDLP environment variable pointing to the main scripts and LetMeAtIt will use that

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Video games, crafting, podcasts, talk shows, you can get them all in two clicks

Free Version

Simple download usage

The free version of the Twitch TV plugin only supports URLs of single videos and clips. These are URLs like https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1196525481

Video metadata will be embedded and thumbnails will be downloaded if those options are set

Downloads of sub-only streams are supported if you are a sub

Upgrade Features

Turbo size your Twitch TV downloading with the upgrade and add these features

  • Whole collections and channels (videos, highlights and/or uploads) are supported. Whether 1 or 1000, add jobs for all videos within them in one click
  • Make your own clips. If you only want one minute of a 24-hour vod, you can download just that one minute. No video editing required
  • Automatic video quality selection
  • Duplicate download detection. If a channel or collection is updated, just add it again to get only the new videos

Do I Need An Account?

A Twitch account is only necessary to download subscription-only VODs, an active subscription to that channel is also required in that case

Videos that are free to view can be downoaded without a Twitch account

Platform Support

Due to the strength of the HTTPS security on Twitch TV servers, on Windows computers, downloading is only supported on Windows 10 and above

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Motorsport TV logo

Le Mans place for Motorsport mayhem

Whether you're fanatical about Formula E, excited by endurance or blown away by Blancpain, chances are your itch is in some way scratched by Motorsport.TV

Free Version

Simple download usage

The free version of the MotorSport TV plugin only supports URLs of single videos. These are URLs like https://uk.motorsport.tv/ferrari/video/cota-trofeo-pirelli-race-1/178340

Video metadata will be embedded and thumbnails and subtitles will be downloaded if those options are set.

No protection against any rate limiting.

Upgrade Features

The MotorSport TV upgrade is like adding a Gran Turismo style stage 4 turbo to LetMeAtIt

  • The URLs of whole Channels, Programs and Racing Series are accepted. Whether 1 or 1000, add jobs for all videos within them in one click
  • Cut or trim your own highlights out of the videos. If you only want one minute of a three hour video, you can download just that one minute. No video editing required
  • The video quality selection can be automated
  • Duplicate download detection. If a Channel is updated, just add it again to get only the new videos

So I Don't Need a Subscription?

LetMeAtIt does not allow you to hack Motorsport's servers or otherwise gain access to content you're not allowed to. Videos that need a subscription to watch require a subscription to download. A Motorsport TV account is required for all downloads.

Platform Support

Due to the strength of the HTTPS security on Motorsport TV servers, on Windows computers, downloading is only supported on Windows 10 and above

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Download LetMeAtIt

The download comes as a standard zip file. On Windows, you can extract this by right clicking on the file and selecting Extract All. Then just double click on LetMeAtIt.exe (the Earth/blue+green icon) in the extracted folder.

File Size: 157 MB


Windows Requirements

  • Windows 7 SP1 to Windows 11
  • dotNet Framework 4.7.2 (included)

Linux Requirements

  • Mono 6 (mono-complete package)
  • FFMPEG or AVConv in /usr/bin/ or FFMPEG environment variable
  • Youtube-DL in /usr/bin/ or YTDL/YTDLP environment variable (for YTDL support)
  • Due to Mono bugs, it does not work on Mac

Buy LetMeAtIt

Upgrading LetMeAtIt unlocks several features to make it easier and quicker to download videos

Main LetMeAtIt upgrade

  • No waiting between downloads
  • Add and download more than one job at a time
  • Save and load the job queue when closing/opening the app
  • Download URL sequences in one job

Each plugin upgrade

  • Automatic video quality selection
  • One click section/playlist downloading
  • Custom video clipping - download only the video between two time points - no video editor or re-encoding
  • Protection from site rate limits
  • Duplicate job detection so you don't waste time downloading what you already have
  • 100's of hours of video for the price of one DVD

Order Form

Choose Upgrades

• Main LetMeAtIt Upgrade

• Subscription Site Plugins

• Non-subscription Site Plugins

Choose Payment Type

Click in the box to select/change

Pay As You Go

  • No minimum time commitment - cancel any time
  • All the features, no fuss

One-time Payment

  • All charges paid at once
  • Use months together or spread out their usage

Total: £

- Convert from £ (GBP) to

• Saved Device Payment Methods

Finding payment methods, please wait